I think I am past due on an update of what God is doing around here. So here we go.
We have now had 3 amazing Sunday worship times and Bible teaching at the Aguilar Community Center. The first Sunday we met at 9:30 a.m. and had freezing rain for weather. Ten of us Body parts attended. We decided to start meeting at 6:00 pm. So the 2nd Sunday with beautiful weather we had 9 attend. Yesterday evening with snow coming down there were 11 of us meeting to worship Him and dig into His Word. I am not yet convinced that we should pray for bad weather on Sunday.
Hey, remember me telling you that on Oct. 25 the historical society was going to use the Community Center for their annual chili dinner. Mary and I went to the chili dinner, and what a great time to get to meet some more new people. Well they had some chili left over and asked if we would like to have it for our meeting time. Our service last night started with 2 flavors of great homemade chili, salad, and cupcakes. Everyone that wanted more took some home. Whew, were we ever ready to praise our Savior. The singing time would have been great but I am not doing very good at picking out songs that the people know. I am going to try to convince them that we are following Ps.33:3. "Sing to Him a new song" We were thinking that some cd's with just music on them, to sing along with might be helpful. Any suggestions? We will also be looking for a white erase board. I often like for people to see what I am saying, making that visual connection.
Did I mention we have had snow? I just went and bought my 2nd snow shovel since moving here. I found another older couple today who needs someone to shovel their snow. The cup of coffee and great conversation afterward is a nice compensation. Oh and yes always a hug.
It snowed last Wednesday. We got 9 inches in that storm. It was still snowing when I went into the prison for Bible study. I decided these Arizona boys are all from southern Arizona as only 5 braved the elements and would walk a couple hundred yards to the education building. It really turned out well as I believe it was all orchestrated by the Holy Spirit. One of the guys who is a very new believer had some questions and we were able to talk about them easily.
I still kinda get a kick out of some of the corrections officers here. They seem to question why I would show up on such a bad weather day. "Well you see I have to be here. No my boss doesn't make me, but Jesus compels me." "And you know some of these guys really look forward to this time."
You may remember this spring I had the privilege of turkey hunting with a great group of guys. Marvin Robbins aka "Boss gobbler" lead the "Training of the Twelve" on how to hunt turkey, how to call turkey, and how to BE a follower of Jesus. I had a great time being in the field with this big man of God who also happens to be one of the best turkey hunters/callers in the country. I got a call yesterday telling me that Marvin, while deer hunting, had had a heart attack and now stands in the presence of his Savior and Lord. Please pray for his wife,family, and many friends. This morning I was reading several of the Arizona outdoor blogs, all full of condolences, sorrow, and memories of Marvin. He touched many lives in the hunting/ conservation world with his passion for hunting and even more with his intense love of Jesus.
Update on my mom, she is going through radiation treatment the next several weeks. Please remember her in your prayers.
Thank you each one for being there for us!
In Christ Alone,
Bill & Mary
I am new to your blog through your wife leaving a comment on mine...flyingheartfield and our endeavor to follow Christ as He leads us through the getting debt free process...
I look forward to reading more about how the Lord is using you in His kingdom...
blessings, and all grace,
a sister in Christ,
God is certainly using the blogosphere to make connections. I so enjoyed your blog. I love working for [with] Jesus too! I have some cd's that I don't know what to do with they are music and words on one part and just instruments on the other kinda like karaoke. We used them when we started the church without musicians. Would they help you? They are good familiar contemporary music. Send me an e-mail with address and I will send them to you. We are so excited about what God is doing in the US and I will definitely follow to see what you are doing next, We are taking one Sunday a month to really seek God and see what He would have us do. We are not the same since our son died and we look at life and ministry differently, time is short and we want what we are doing to count in the Kingdom for all eternity! May you be totally blessed as you serve the Master and see His hand all around you!! Blessings Meg
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