Monday, October 18, 2010

FUN FUN For Everyone!

We've been busy and having so much fun since we last talked!
Fellow AFM misionaries , the Craigs, came and spent the night-
It was so fun getting to see them again!

I (Mary) have been doing a lot of this! We have been blessed with gifts of apples, peaches,pears,etc and now we have wonderful jars of goodies in our pantry-
I even made candied crab apples and a new recipe
Peach Salsa-- It is yummy!

This Sunday I (Bill) was talking about knowing God,
and that one way we can know Him better is by observing what He is up to in our lives.
I really desire to take note of and learn about Him from some of the easily unnoticed things that He is doing.
So can I tell you about some of the things He is doing here?

First, let me tell you about our need for clothing racks.
In response to our last email a number of you came up with some good suggestions.
But I am not going to use any of them. Do you want to know why?
Well one of our supporters has come up with approximately 10 racks from a department store. These are very nice racks!
Do you think maybe God wants to tell the people of Aguilar
"this is just a sample of how much I LOVE YOU"
by giving them nice racks for their clothing pantry?

If any of you in Alamogordo area have some nice gently used clothing you would like to get rid of - let us know- we will have plenty of room in between the racks. We are especially in need of baby, childrens, and mens clothing. We will be coming down this Thursday Oct. 21 and heading back very early Sunday morning to get back in time for the Aguilar Fellowship that evening.

Next, the food pantry gave out 59 boxes of food on Oct.1.
This helped 140 people!
Several people came in the day we were trying to organize and get the boxes together.
They saw that we were at the building and just came to help-
Getting boxes ready to distribute!

We reorganized how the boxes were given out in order to spend a little more time getting to know people.
We were able to chat with a number of them.
One young man I have tried for two years to be friendly to and to strike up a conversation with absolutely no success.
But while they were waiting for their box of food I got to talk to him a bit.
Then a few days later as I was unloading my pickup full of boxes of clothing I saw "Danny" coming down the street.
I quickly asked God what do you have planned for this moment?
Well he came by and asked if I could use some help.
Another wall crumbling.

(person at desk is signing up to get a box while Bill chats with another friend)

To keep from making this too long let me just say Mary and I have had the privilege of meeting a number of new people.
Some through the food boxes, some through hospice, and others by some asking us to go by and meet their friend.
It is so exciting as we observe God opening doors into the lives of people -
many who have been marginalized and some just flat out forgotten.

Prayer requests
1. It is looking like we may be getting our house in Tularosa back. This will create a financial burden for us. Would you pray that this can be resolved.

2. Volunteers for the Food/clothing pantry and other areas of ministry we are seeing needs for (ex. after school Bible Club) but needsomeone to come along side and see this as their calling.

3.Would you be praying about standing in the gap spiritually for specific families and people we are working with?Many here have no one who prays for them and they come to us knowing we are and will be praying.
We would love to have you "adopt" someone that you will faithfully pray for.

We can never say "thank you" enough. Thank you for your financial and prayer support. Thank you for your encouragement and love for us!

l last picture of the building with its fresh coat of paint. You can see way in the back clothes hanging. That will be our clothes sorting area. The tables to the left have free puzzles, devotional books, Our Daily Bread, and tracts. To the right is the coffee bar and then where you cannot see except for a tiny bit (bottom right corner) are more chairs and small table where people can sit and drink their coffee and have a donut while they are waiting for their food boxes. I wish you could see it in person- This building is such a blessing!

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